Content Creation ::

Looking Like A Million Bucks On Budget


Shave off the crew.
Well, most of it.

Ascot & Charlie approached me to give their Instagram photo content a make-over. Tempting! First, I get to work on a fashion start-up, and shoot in Paris of all places. Second, I get to operate the camera myself, because “We’re on a very tight budget.”

:: The Challenge ::

How can we turn an empty Parisian studio into a gorgeous set that alludes to a backstory? And while we’re at it, how can we capture the shifting attitude within one young man, between the preppy Ascot and the irreverent Charlie?

:: The Insight ::
We’re made of duality. Confident one hour, vulnerable the next. Calm sometimes, turbulent some other times. Timeless in a button-up shirt, millennial hipster in a white pair of sneakers. Each man is a two-faced coin.

:: The Idea ::
Inspired by James Dean and Call Me By Your Name, I wrote very short spots suited for Instagram to make viewers relate to our character in his duality, and fall in love with him, and click through to the brand page.


Photography & Videography by: Amr Assaid 
In collaboration with A&C TEAM: Dhiraj Bathija  & Sébastien Laroze
Starring: Diego Moncada
Assistant photographer: Sarah Trioullier